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Liliane Tiger

Alias: Lilian Tiger, Lilliane Tiger, Lucie, Lillianne Tiger, Ivette, Lillian Tiger, Lilian, Lucy Tiger, Lilien Tiger

Nazione: Czech Republic

Nata: March 13, 1985

Occhio: Hazel

Capelli: Blonde

Altezza: 157 cm

Il peso: 53 kg

Tette: Natural

I più visti: 0

Video della pornostar Liliane Tiger

1 Video
2005 AVN Award nominee – Female Foreign Performer of the Year
2006 AVN Award nominee – Female Foreign Performer of the Year
2007 AVN Award nominee – Best Sex Scene in a Foreign-Shot Production – Rocco’s More Sluts in Ibiza
2007 AVN Award nominee – Female Foreign Performer of the Year
2008 AVN Award nominee – Female Foreign Performer of the Year

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Pornostar di tendenza
